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Homemeeting history


Sponsors Offered

Sponsors are offered for the following recognition opportunities:

Annual Meeting Recognition

Recognition In The AERGC Newsletter**

Recognition on the Annual Meeting page of the AERGC website**

Distribute literature to attendees as a part of the welcome packet


  • Sponsors assist AERGC by covering Annual Meeting expenses, tour fees and support members through our Travel Grant Program. 
  • Typical sponsorships range from $500 to $1500 USD and at the discretion of the company. 
Contact Paul Engevold  or   Tiffany Durr for sponsor information




event image at CSU


AERGC is an all volunteer operated organization. Modest member dues defray costs with the production of our quarterly newsletter, our online forum and administration of our website. The organization is aimed at supporting educational greenhouse users and the industry involved with institutional greenhouses. Please have a look at our mission statement.

MI State Greenhous image presentation


A unique relationship has developed between the AERGC and the greenhouse industry. Being a sponsor of the AERGC's Annual Meeting is mutually beneficial. The Annual Meeting provides a comfortable setting for personal and professional interaction between our members and you, as one of our corporate sponsors. Our Annual Meeting cannot continue to be a success without your support.

MI State group photo


We seek sponsors to assist in costs for our annual meeting which brings those involved in institutional greenhouses together for three days. At these meetings it is common to find administrator, greenhouse engineer and vendor all working together to solve specific needs of the industry.


  • The AERGC, with generous corporate sponsorship, is proud to offer the Annual Meeting Travel Grant once again

  • Grants of up to $1500 will be awarded to selected qualified recipients

  • It is our hope that AERGC Travel Grants will be matched by additional funding from the member's institution

Apply For Travel Grant

financial image


The AERGC, with generous corporate sponsorship, is proud to offer the Annual Meeting Travel Grant once again. This program enables selected members requiring financial assistance funding to attend the annual meeting. 

Grants of up to $1500 will be awarded to selected qualified recipients. It is our hope that AERGC Travel Grants will be matched by additional funding from the member's institution.

experience image


The AERGC Annual Meeting offers a deep well of experience and information freely shared among greenhouse colleagues working in the education and research fields. It is hoped that these grants will offer the opportunity for members who have not previously been able to attend the annual meeting, or those who have been unable to attend for several years, to do so.

Both new and long-standing AERGC members are eligible to apply provided dues are current as of the date of the grant application.

presentation image


Recipients will be required to give a short presentation on a topic of their choice, which would be of interest to the meeting attendees, at the annual meeting. This presentation may be, but need not be, on the same topic as the newsletter article.

Recipients will also be required to submit:

An article for the AERGC Newsletter within a month after the 2024 meeting date. This article can be on any topic of interest to our members and may be a brief description of the applicant's facility, a useful shortcut or technique, a pest control strategy, or a bibliography. These are only suggestions, so please use your imagination.

2023 Annual Meeting Photos

Visit the Travel Grant History to see the increasing utility of this program to the members of the AERGC organization.

If you are interested in applying, log on to the AERGC website, click on the "Annual Meeting Travel Grant" tab and fill out the form.
Travel grant applications close on May 31, 2024.

Travel Grant History

For more information about the Travel Grant, contact

Alex Turkewitsch or Chrislyn Particka


AERGC Annual Meeting Event History


Organizational Meeting
Northeastern Illinois University

Peter Fortsas

1987 Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Miles Imel
1989 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jim Kramer
1990 Indiana University
Don Burton
1991 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Walt Schaffer
1992 The Ohio State University
Joan Leonard
1993 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mo Fayyaz
1994 University of Minnesota
Dann Adair
1995 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Tom Schuck
1996 University of California-Davis
Tim Metcalf
1997 Rutgers University
Joe Florentine
1998 McGill University
Claire Cooney
1999 University of Colorado-Boulder
Tom Lemieux
2000 University of Guelph
Ron Dutton
2001 Virginia Tech
Rob Tanzer
2002 Purdue University
Rob Eddy
2003 Washington University-St. Louis/ Danforth Center
Mike Dyer/Ed Fischer
2004 University of California-Santa Cruz
Linda Locatelli
2005 Lehman College CUNY/NYBG
David Cain/Jody Fetzer
2006 University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon
Tim Squires
2007 University of Connecticut - Storrs
Clinton Morse
2008 Texas Tech University
Jennifer Simek
2009 Duke University/NC State University
Marcia Kirinus, Norm Hill/Diane Mays
2010 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
25th Anniversary Meeting
Ruth Green
2011 Red Lion Portland, Oregon
Dennis Raath and our sponsors

University of Toronto

Bruce Hall

2013 North Dakota State University

Julie Hochhalter 

2014 Applied Bionomics Ltd, Victoria, BC
Brian Spencer
The Ohio State University
 Joan Leonard & Peter Ling
2016 Cornell University and Binghamton University
Andy Leed and Laurie Kasperek
2017 Iowa State University
Aaron Brand, Pete Lawlor, Dan Little
2018 University of Maryland
Sydney Wallace, Shaun Faulkner, Meghan Fisher Holbert
2019 Colorado State University
Tammy Brenner
Virtual Annual Meeting
Nathan Deppe, Tammy Brenner, Tom Bryan, Alex Turkewitsch, Michael Mucci
2021 Virtual
Tammy Brenner, Tom Bryan, Amanda Debevc, Paul Engevold, Michael Mucci, Alex Turkewitsch, Pam Warnke
2022 2022 Annual MeetinUniversity of Minnesota Pam Warnke
2023 2023 38th Annual AERGC Meeting at Michigan State University
Chrislyn Particka & Lisa Murphy

AERGC2008 102.jpg
AERGC 2014 meeting Claire,AERGC 2014 meeting Claire

Checks should be paid to the order of 

and mailed to:

P.O. Box 319
Mahomet, IL 61853-0319

AERGC 2014 meeting Claire,AERGC 2014 meeting Claire
AERGC 2014 meeting Mucci,AERGC 2014 meeting Mucci